Tanzania – Sambewe (1lb Bag)


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The Cup: Sugary, sweet and savory with chocolate, caramel, grapefruit and flavors.

Sambewe AMCOS represents more than 440 smallholder farmers, all of whom live in or around the villages of Sambewe, Itumpi, Nansama, Iyenga, and Ileya in the Mbozi district of Tanzania. This AMCOS is the result of four local farmers groups combining forces in 2018; the producers all share a central processing unite and deliver their coffee in cherry form.

Coffee is harvested in the morning and typically delivered in the afternoon, starting around 1pm. After receiving and sorting the cherries a first time, employees turn the the depulpers on at around 4pm, and they will work through the day until up to midnight during the busy season. Sometimes the AMCOS has to tell producers to come back another day, when they are at full capacity for receiving cherry. The coffee is depulped and sorted by density, then fermented for 18–36 hours. It is washed and then soaked for another 8–12 hours before being spread on raised tables to dry. Drying takes 8–12 days.

This AMCOS has three specific goals for the future: to build a new central processing unit, to renovate the office building and warehouse, and to plant local trees to create shade and biodiversity.

Additional information




Sambewe, Itumpi, Nansama, Iyenga, and Ileya villages, Songwe, Mbozi


442 smallholder farmer members of Sambewe AMCOS


N 39, KP 423

Proc. Method



1616 masl


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